The Estate Planning Source

Get Informed

Know more for your families future

Our Reach

We Have Attorneys and Advisors within Wyoming, and nationwide.


Unable to make an event, don't worry, we will be hosting Webinars in multiple locations, or we can come to you!

Seminar Events

Before you make a decision, let us teach you current concepts and practices.

Providing you the peace of mind that you and Your family deserve!

  • Family wealth planning, one of the most important things you will ever do!.

  • Proper planning keeps as much of your family’s wealth as possible, then allows you to pass those accumulated assets, intact, to your heirs.

  • A properly funded Living Trust avoids the dreaded Probate process!

Get Connected to the attorney or advisor that suites your situation best

  • Set up an introduction to your Attorney/Advisor.

  • Confirm what you need in order to succeed in starting the process

  • Provide a checklist of things you will need moving forward

Upcoming Events

We offer appointments to speak with with an Attorney/Advisor near you.

We will be hosting multiple seminars in the state of Wyoming, Don't miss out!

Rock Springs, Wyoming

Excited to see you June 2023!

Buffalo, Wyoming

Event will be hosted in August, More information to come!

Cheyenne, Wyoming

Event will be hosted in September, More information to come!

Gillette, Wyoming

Event will be hosted in October, More information to come!

Casper, Wyoming

Event will be hosted in November, More information to come!


Informational Webinars will be hosted monthly for you to be able to stay informed.

To Register for the upcoming Rock Springs, Wyoming Event

This event will be informational on how to get started. What are some pros and cons of going with a living trust. Also Meet and Greet with information on Wyoming's availible attorney!

Meet Some of Our Attorneys/Advisors

We have multiple Attorneys and Advisors in every state in America

Steven Orzynski


Wyoming, Colorado

Derek O'Neil


Colorado, Illinois, Washington DC.

Neil Lvingston





Did you Know?

We have Gun Trust available, interested to learn more please contact us.

Probate or courts can take anywhere from 8-10% of what you intended to leave your family.

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